
The elementary school in Náchod is called Základní škola Plhov and offers the possibility of focusing on sport as part of your daily education. The school is located near a nice little forest at the outer part of Náchod. There are around 300 students at the moment. It goes from first grade to 9th grade, so there are really big differences in language level and education level in general. Because the school is focused on sport, there are great sport facilities in the school. There are two gym halls, a dancing room, a gym, equipment, a track and field stadium and we can also use the public swimming hall for lessons. The mainly female staff is really friendly and competent. I really enjoy working together with them be
cause everything that you plan together with them works out in the end. The headmaster of the school is called Vladimir Honzů and teaches Czech apart from being the director of the school and a really helpful person.

After school there are activities provided for the children. They can play, make music, dance or do sports such as gymnastics. The school offers these services for the smallest ones.

There are also many competitions and projects, the students are actively participating. The sport-focused classes are really successfull. For example in the Náchod castle run or a Basketball competition. If you walk through the hallways, you can really feel how sport is the main topic in there.img_20160918_151044